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Highly-Skilled Brake Repair for Asheville, NC Residents

Premier Wheel & Tire offers brake repair to Asheville, NC residents. Keeping your brakes in good shape is essential for safe driving. If you are having trouble with your brakes, we strongly encourage you to visit our shop immediately. The longer you wait, the worse the problem will get. More importantly, waiting can sometimes increase the cost of the repairs. Learn more about brake repair below and bring your vehicle to see us.

Car brake repairing in garage

The Symptoms of Brake Failure

Our team is here and ready to service your vehicle with new brakes. Obviously, your brakes are an essential component of your car, truck, or SUV. But how do you tell when it is time to replace them? Generally speaking, brakes have an expiration date. Under normal use, you can expect your brake pads to last between 25,000 to 65,000 miles. Besides the age of your breaks, you can pay attention to the following warning signs.

Some of the Warning Signs

Visual Inspection

You can check for wear by looking at the brake pads through the spaces between the wheel spokes. If there is less than ¼ inch of pad, then it might be time to replace your brakes.

Reduced Responsiveness

Does your brake pedal “sink” to the floor? Are they not as responsive as in the past? These are clear-cut signs that you need new brakes.


When your vehicle pulls to one side while you brake, it is a sign that the linings are wearing unevenly. This is a problem that needs solving - with new brakes.


Loud grinding or growling noises are the easiest sign to discern because they are so unusual. This problem occurs when there is no longer enough pad between pieces of metal.


If there is a vibration or pulsation when you brake, this is a sign of warped rotors. In many cases, rotor repair must accompany brake repair.

We Have Years of Experience Repairing Brakes

Our mechanics have years of experience. That expertise is one reason why you can trust us to repair your brakes quickly and correctly. Another is our honesty. We never push unneeded repairs on you. Instead, we offer an estimate that accurately identifies the core problem and the proposed solution. You can rely on us.

Visit Our Shop Today for Smart Auto Repairs