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Oil Changes in Asheville, NC

You deserve a car mechanic who will prioritize your car’s maintenance and emphasize customer service. That’s what Premier Wheel & Tire does. We are well known in the region for our unparalleled service to our customers. We take pride in our reputation and work hard to maintain it. One of our specialties is oil changes, which Asheville, NC motorists can use to take better care of their cars, trucks, and SUVs. Learn more about oil changes below and see us today.

Motor oil canisters on white isolated background.

The Benefits of Getting Regular Oil Changes

Oil changes are perhaps the most important vehicle maintenance tasks you can perform. They serve numerous roles and can mean the difference between a long lifespan and a hefty repair bill down the line. What might seem like a minor inconvenience is well worth the effort. At Premier Wheel & Tire, we work quickly, ensuring we do not take up too much of your day in the process. The reasons for getting your oil changed include the following.

Protection From Corrosion

One of the fundamental roles your engine oil plays is keeping environmental elements like moisture, dirt, and other particles from damaging your engine. But over time, the oil breaks down, which is why an oil change is important.

Less Wear and Tear

Under the hood of your car lies an engine made from thousands of tiny parts. They rub together and need to do so in unison. Engine oil helps to keep them lubricated, so they don't wear out. Again, as the oil breaks down, it doesn't do its job.

Cooled Engine Components

Friction and the combustion process produce a significant amount of heat, which can damage individual components within your engine without clean engine oil. Getting an oil change ensures the heat will not damage the engine.

Improved Mileage and Extended Engine Lifespan

Who doesn't want better gas mileage? One of the ways to ensure your car reaches its full potential is by getting regularly scheduled oil changes. Oil changes will also extend your engine’s lifespan.

Reduced Repairs

When you get regular oil changes, you place less strain on your engine as it runs. If you do not get your oil changed, you could create a whole mess of problems for yourself, including having to replace the engine wholesale!

We Provide Honest and Forthright Customer Service

You can feel safe and comfortable visiting Premier Wheel & Tire. We are honest and forthright, and we only perform the repairs you need. In other words, we will never upcharge you or suggest repairs that you do not need. If all your vehicle needs are some standard maintenance like an oil change, that’s what you’ll get. But our location also offers wheels, tires, brakes, inspections, and even lift and lowering kits.

Visit Our Shop Today for Smart Auto Repairs